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Mr & Mrs Black - Blog

Navigating Daily Tasks: Living with Chronic Illness as a Team

09 April 2024
Public Rexzooly Lylias Illness

Living with chronic illness isn't just about managing symptoms; it's about finding ways to navigate daily tasks with grace and support. In my case, every simple action, like making a hot drink, becomes a carefully coordinated effort between myself and my husband, Rex. Allow me to give you a glimpse into our daily routine, where even the smallest actions require teamwork and understanding.

Let's start with something seemingly mundane: filling the kettle. While I'm allowed to handle the plastic jug, if my hand or arm feels too weak, I must stop and ask Rex to step in. Lifting the kettle, whether empty or full, is off-limits for me. Similarly, adding a tea bag or spoonful of coffee into a cup is within my capabilities, but any signs of weakness prompt me to seek assistance.

My constant companion is dizziness, an ever-present reminder of the challenges I face. It doesn't merely come and go; it's a 24/7 ordeal that can sometimes lead to fainting spells or even collapse. Adding to the complexity is arthritis in both hips, a factor that must be carefully considered with every movement. Will I be able to stand? Will my hip give out? Will my legs go numb? These are the questions that accompany even the simplest tasks.

Walking indoors is already a challenge, exacerbated by the unpredictability of drop attacks from Meniere's disease. The fear of suddenly losing my balance and falling to the floor is a constant shadow, making every step a conscious effort. In these moments, Rex is always on standby, ready to lend a helping hand at a moment's notice.

It's easy for others to take everyday tasks like boiling the kettle for granted. But for those of us grappling with extreme and unpredictable symptoms, these seemingly simple actions become monumental challenges. Chronic fatigue and brain fog add another layer of complexity, weighing us down on even the brightest of days.

Yet, despite the obstacles, there's beauty in the partnership that Rex and I share. Together, we navigate the ups and downs, finding strength in each other's unwavering support. Our journey is not without its struggles, but it's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love.

So, the next time you reach for the kettle, pause for a moment and consider the unseen battles being fought by those around you. And remember, sometimes the simplest actions are the most profound expressions of teamwork and compassion.

  • Blog Author

    Lylias Black

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